Friday, December 11, 2009

September - the lost month

As many of you know, I have Crohn's Disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, which is just as "icky" as it sounds. I've been on some great drugs that were keeping things in control, but just before we left for Minnesota in August, my symptoms started getting worse. I just tried to push through, but by the beginning of September, I was in so much pain, I could barely function. My family convinced me to go to the ER on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. I ended up being admitted to the hospital, where I stayed for six days, trying to get the pain under control. I missed Jason's family birthday party at XBOS (a family fun center) while I was in the ER. I missed his actual birthday, too. Even once I came home from the hospital, I was pretty out of it for weeks, hence my title, the lost month. We have a great church family that really stepped in and helped with meals and taking the kids to and from the bus stop. That was the blessing in all this. I am now on some new drugs, hoping they will keep the symptoms under control, so I can put off surgery for a while.

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