Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Playing Catch Up

It has been over seven months since I last posted anything on this blog. I get caught up in Facebook and don't think to add the same information to my blog. I'm not sure if anyone actually reads this blog, but for those that do, I'm going to take the next few days/weeks before Christmas to catch you up on the lives of the Byrne family.

One reason I've neglected my blog, is that I've neglected it for so long. How could I possibly put in all that's been going on for the last seven months? Well, a friend on Facebook posted that she is taking these 25 days of Christmas to post random pictures and notes from the last few months on her blog. So I thought I'd do the same thing.

If I have any readers out there, please check back in every so often this month. Hopefully there will be something new.

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