April 9th was Jeremy's 7th birthday! He's growing up so fast. His big present this year was a Nintento DS Lite with a Wall-E game. Grandma and Grandad gave him tickets to Dutch Wonderland this summer.
Brendan has recently joined the Christiana Care soccer team. He finally has the schedule that allows him to participate. Their first game was April 5. They haven't won a game yet, but it's been fun for Brendan to get out there.
My brother, Kurt, was married to Jennifer Beattie on Sunday, March 29, 2009, in Calistoga, California, at the Hans Fahden Winery. Meredith was one of three flower girls. Jeremy and Jason were the ring bearers. It was a beautiful wedding.
Two weeks ago we took a whirlwind trip (flew out Friday, flew home Monday) to California for my brother's wedding. We did get to see the Golden Gate Bridge and visit Sterling Vineyards while we were there.