As I get ready to put the Christmas cards in the mail, I started looking back over this blog as a reminder of our year. I don't post consistently, but you can get a snapshot of our family by looking through.
This fall Meredith started 2nd grade; Jeremy started 1st grade. Jason stays home with me every day. The kids are no longer involved in karate or gymnastics, but seem content without those activities. The family schedule is a lot less hectic too.
Brendan works long hours as a Supervisor in Food & Nutrition Services at Christiana Health Care. But when he's home, the kids enjoy cooking with him, especially fried rice. So good! He recently made gingerbread houses with each of them, something he's wanted to do for years.
I'm involved with the handbell choir at church, which I'm really enjoying this year. I've started a couple of new quilts. Hopefully I will finish them soon.
It's been a good year for us. Nothing really exciting happened, but that can be good too. We have a couple of big trips to look forward to next year. One to Napa Valley for my brother's wedding in March, and another to Minnesota for the Byrne Family Vacation in August.