We also spent a couple of hours outside with new scooters for each of the kids. One good reason for no snow, I guess. Meredith was too fast for me to get a good shot.
We also spent a couple of hours outside with new scooters for each of the kids. One good reason for no snow, I guess. Meredith was too fast for me to get a good shot.
Another year has come and gone. The kids just keep growing and changing.
Meredith participated in her first dance recital in June. She had two dances (ballet and tap) and two costumes. She was fabulous! She started first grade this fall, turning 7 in November. She loves her new school and is making lots of friends. She has become a great reader and has begun writing stories of her own. Meredith has also been taking gymnastics and cheer dance classes this fall, and will begin karate classes in January.
Jeremy, age 5 ½, started kindergarten this fall. He attends half-days at the same school as Meredith. He is becoming a great reader already and is learning to write also. He enjoys school, but is disappointed when it cuts into his playing time! Gymnastics and karate classes fill his evenings.
Jason, age 2, is growing so fast. He just loves playing with trucks. He also loves playing with Meredith and Jeremy and tries to imitate everything they say and do.
Brendan continues working for Christiana Care Food Services, moving from site to site as a supervisor. I’ve begun attending Bible Study Fellowship classes and ringing bells in the handbell choir at church.
This past summer we joined a health club, so we were able to spend lots of time at the pool. The kids got to take karate, dance and gymnastics classes, while Brendan and I had a chance to work out.
The highlight of our year was our trip to Minnesota, to visit Brendan’s family. After a two-day drive (about 24 hours total), we arrived at the Byrne elk farm, where we spent a couple of days relaxing and visiting with Brendan’s parents and brother and sister-in-law. Then we drove another six hours north to a small resort where we spent the week with all the Byrnes: Brendan’s parents and two sisters and their families, 7 children in all. A wonderful time of catching up and catching fish. Even Meredith and Jeremy went fishing and each caught one. It really was a nice visit, and we look forward to doing it again in two years.